Refugee Law


Judul Buku : Refugee Law
Penulis : A Indah Camelia, S.H., M.H
ISBN : proses
Jumlah Hal : 54 halaman
Ukuran : A5 (14,8 X 21 cm)
Tahun Terbit : Januari 2023
Harga : Rp. 38.500


This Refuge Law course is an essential part of a public international law course that discusses refuge law and its development. In the globalization era, conflict in one country always will effected another countries. Refuge may consider as the fore and most issue under international law required to be solved. refugee crisis can be caused by domestic political problems, internal or international armed conflicts, or natural disasters. To solve this problem, strong cooperation from various parties and comprehensive provisions of international law . The detail of the course discusses : Introduction Definition of Refuges law : History & development of Refuges law Sources of Refuges law, Principles of Refuges law, Non refoulment principles, Refuges, Migrants, Asylum Seeker, IDPs Placement, Solution for refugee , Rights & Duty on Refuge Law, Int. protection Refuges and IDP’s on Armed Conflict Role & Responsibility Refuges, Convention parties, Refuge Law in Indonesia, and cases on Refuge law.

Daftar Isi

Table Of Contents
The Course Description
The Course Learning Target
Learning Method
Academic Behaviour And Integrity
Introduction Of Refugee Law
Definition And Development Of Refugee Law
Sources & Principles Of Refuge Law
Refuges Migrants, Asylum Seeker Dan IDPs
Refuges Migrants, Asylum Seeker Dan IDPs
Refuge Placement And Solution
Rights & Duty On Refuge Law & Int. Protection
Refuge Law & Solution
Refuges And Idp’s On Armed Conflict
Role & Responsibility Refuges Convention Parties
Refuge Law In Indonesia
Role & Responsibility Refuges Convention Parties
Refuge Law In Indonesia 5

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