Hukum Kejahatan Internasional (International Criminal Law)


Judul Buku : Hukum Kejahatan Internasional (International Criminal Law)
Penulis : Dr. Lina Hastuti, SH., MH
ISBN : proses
Jumlah Hal : 56 halaman
Ukuran : A5 (14,8 x 21 cm)
Tahun Terbit : Maret, 2023
Harga : Rp. 45.000


The international Criminal Law (International Criminal Law) (HKI 419) module is designed as a guidebook for students who program international Criminal Law courses, particularly for the Faculty of Law’s students. The course will be shortened to ‘ICL’ for all users. The guidance describes the course learning process in detail for the first term.  Thus, the module is a resource of lecturers and tutors, teaching methods, assignments, materials, references, and assessment systems in detail. Therefore, the students are expected to achieve or gain a specific goal by reading and study the relevant material as described.

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